If you are up to date on the latest on goings in wireless technology, then you should be familiar with Steve Job’s latest offering, the iPad. Like a plus sized iPhone the new 21st century tablet will offer the world a simple, sleek and lightweight PDA that is capable of doing everything from surfing the web to playing videogames and even reading virtual magazines in a way that the much more compact iPhone never could, even if it is 3Gs equipped. This is all well and good for the techies out there, but what does this mean for us automotive enthusiasts.
Measuring in at just over half an inch thick and tipping the scales at just over a 1.5 pounds, the iPad will bring a whole new level of wireless connectivity to in car passengers. And while the iPhone has apps that can measure your car’s 0 to 60 MPH time or check error codes, an iPad could be used to tune it on the fly just like Paul Walker in the original Fast and Furious film. If you thought texting and driving was a problem, the iPad could stir up a whole other round of driver distractions, but because of the electronic tablet’s inherent popularity automakers will almost certainly be forced to offer docking stations as well as iPod cables in their future models, but until then the sky is the limit as far as what the new portable computers will be doing on the regular highway as well as the information kind.
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